Saturday, January 30, 2010


Latino Undocumented Immigrants Empowered With Census Boycott: LEGALIZATION BEFORE ENUMERATION
WASHINGTON, DC- Reports from CONLAMIC regional vice-presidents confirm that, thousands of latino undocumented immigrants, who happens to be members of local hispanic evangelical pentecostal churches, are the most ardent supporters of the census boycott called by the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders (CONLAMIC) and co-sponsored by the Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, the Mexican American Political Action and many other community based organizations around the country."Georgia, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, Massachusetts, California, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee Nevada, Nebraska and Arkansas, are the most aggressive regions where the census forms will be either thrown to the trash can or burned in public display defiance, at members of Congress that are not concerned about the harmful effects on latino families, school children and the elderly, for the lack of a humane comprehensive immigration reform.Pastors around the country are reporting the enthusiasm that has aroused among members of their churches and how many legal residents and citizens will not answer the census in solidarity with their brethren", says the Reverend Miguel Rivera, CONLAMIC Chairman of the Board of Directors."For my many years as of today, as a Pastor and President of the Georgia Hispanic Evangelical Clergy Association, I have never witness before such a commitment by members of our churches, who are feeling empowered and ready to respond with a non-cooperation effort, demanding legalization for all undocumented immigrants, before legalization.Quietly but for sure, thousands of census forms will be discarded and home doors will be kept closed, in regard for our safety and the welfare of our families", says the Reverend Antonio Mansogo from Atlanta, GA."Here in Nebraska, Pastors are responding with a strong sense of moral principle, very concerned that the census efforts are drawn mostly to reach out to latinos and other minorities only.There is no trust in the so called "confidentiality" assurances by the Census Bureau and to make it worst, an effort to count gay couples living together, is seeing as an extreme liberal agenda against traditional family values.The census efforts, are doomed", says also Reverend Otoniel Garcia from Omaha NE."For many Pastors in New York, its easy to understand why thousands of latino evangelical church members are not going to respond the census. Our churches in Long Island are being vandalized, the animosity against undocumented immigrants is growing and the increase in hate crimes is a sad example of those facts.The anti-immigrant sentiment in Up-State New York and Suffolk County is to much to avoid or look the other way. Members of our churches are saying, enough is enough and a census boycott is the best way for them to channel their ire against anti-immigrant elected officials and members of Congress who have taken advantage of such a sensitive and polarizing issue, to have a "political ball" on their behalf", says the Reverend Bishop Kittim Silva, CONLAMIC Vice-Chairman and President of the Jesus Christ Pentecostal Church Council International, based in New York.Over one thousand christian latino radio stations are broadcasting the "legalization before enumeration" message around the country, to counteract the millions of dollars the Census Bureau is spending for the 2010 efforts."If members of Congress or the White House are not even willing to consider stopping deportations and move forward with some type of temporary protective status, while comprehensive immigration reform is accomplished, there is no way the census effort will be successful as per the last report published by Pew Research."Its a matter of principle and moral standing. Pastors are called to take care of their flocks.Asking undocumented immigrants members of their churches, to step out of the shadows, be counted and expose yourselves allowing more information and opening the doors of your home to a stranger, without legalization is against these Pastors commitment and all of us who have fought with integrity for years, on behalf of immigrants in this country", said also Nativo Lopez, President of Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana."CONLAMIC Pastors are Praying that members of Congress will move forward with CIR. The ball is in their court", concluded the Reverend Miguel 615-7444

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